
High-Protein Foods to Add to Your Breakfast

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day for a good reason. It’s the first meal of your day that gives your body the energy and nutrients it needs. One of these critical nutrients is protein, one of three macronutrients along with carbohydrates and fats that we all need in large quantities. Protein acts as building blocks for body tissue that’s found all throughout the body, so it’s something you should try to have in every meal of the day. 

A breakfast packed with protein can help you feel more satiated, boost your metabolism, and give you more energy to tackle the day. But sometimes your typical breakfasts don’t have enough of this important macronutrient. Cereals, pastries, and breakfast bars can be full of sugar or refined carbohydrates, making them less than ideal for your health. So we put together a list of foods that you can use to power up your breakfast with protein.

How much protein do you need in a day?

Before you start changing the amount of protein in your diet or the source of that protein, it’s important to learn the facts about this essential nutrient to ensure you’re following the best diet plan for your body. According to the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) established by the National Academy of Medicine, we need about 0.4 gram of protein per pound of body weight. This amounts to roughly 56 grams per day for the average male and 46 grams a day for the average female. Additionally, the USDA reports that the amount of protein we need to eat depends on age, sex, and level of physical activity (https://www.myplate.gov/eat-healthy/protein-foods). 

high protein breakfast options

7 High-protein foods to add to your breakfast


This is a breakfast classic for a reason. Eggs are a great source of protein and other nutrients. One egg can have 5–6 grams of protein as well as vitamins A, B, E, and K, calcium, magnesium, iron, and more. So whether you enjoy hard-boiled eggs, scrambled egg whites, or sunny side up eggs, just make sure your eggs are cooked thoroughly. 

Lean meat 

While meat is the most obvious source of protein to add to your breakfast, the key word here is “lean.” While bacon and sausage can be tasty, they can add a lot of calories from fat. Instead, choose meat options that are lean and skinless like chicken breasts or turkey. 

Nuts and seeds 

This is a good option for those who are vegan or vegetarian, because nuts and seeds are loaded with protein and healthy fatty acids. For example, one ounce of almonds contains about 6 grams of protein along with fiber, vitamin E, and magnesium. Nut protein can be found in nut-based milks, nut butters, and low-sugar granola bars. Add some nuts and seeds to oatmeal and yogurt, or spread your favorite nut butter on fruit, vegetables, or bread for breakfast. 

Greek yogurt 

Greek yogurt is a thick type of yogurt that is high in protein with a creamy texture. It’s also a good source of calcium, vitamins A and B, and zinc. You can enjoy it with fresh fruit, granola, chia seeds, or any topping you like. Just make sure that you get an unsweetened and low-fat option. 

Protein shakes 

If you’re looking for a quick breakfast, protein shakes are a great option. We recommend Life Shake™, a quick and easy way to get 20 grams of non-GMO protein and 6 grams of dietary fiber with your breakfast. Made with pea protein plus a proprietary blend of organic chia and organic pumpkin protein, Life Shake supports energy, satiety, and healthy weight while providing the essential vitamins and minerals to support overall health. In the morning blend two scoops of Life Shake with your milk of choice or incorporate two scoops into your favorite smoothie recipe. 

Protein pancakes or waffles 

We all love pancakes or waffles, and we know you’ll enjoy them even more with a boost of protein. All you need to do is add a scoop or two of Life Shake or any protein powder to your favorite pancake/waffle mix or recipe. Just keep in mind that you may have to adjust the recipe slightly by adding more liquid ingredients or removing some dry ingredients. 

Protein bars 

Granola bars and breakfast bars are popular picks for breakfast on the go, but we recommend that you choose one with less sugar and more protein. Our favorite option is Shaklee 180® Meal-in-a-Bar. Each bar is packed with 18–20 grams of protein and 6–7 grams of fiber to keep you feeling full, along with vitamins, minerals, non-GMO soy protein, and no added artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, or preservatives. Shaklee 180 Meal-in-a-Bar comes in three flavors and is powered by the amino acid leucine to help you retain lean muscle while you lose weight.† 

Power up your morning

Rise and shine with a protein-packed meal that can help you start the day at your best. Try one of these high-protein breakfast ideas this week! 

†As part of the Shaklee 180 Program. Clinical study participants replaced two meals with Shaklee Life Shakes daily, reduced their caloric intake, and followed a 45-minute exercise program twice weekly. See full details of Life Shake clinical studies at healthresource.shaklee.com. 


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